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Get Involved with School Buddies

At YSB of La Porte County, the major qualification for volunteering is the willingness to give your time to become a friend. Each School Buddy makes a commitment to spend consistent, quality time with a child - caring, sharing experiences and having fun. When you contact us about volunteering, the staff will thoroughly explain the program and requirements for participation. To make a match, we consider the needs and interests of the volunteer, the child, and his/her family. Each match is carefully screened and professionally supported through regular contact between all parties.



We are currently seeking volunteers for School Buddies. If you wish to volunteer, please complete the application below and submit it in one of the following ways:

• Fax #: 219-324-5024 
• Email: 
• Mailing address: 906 Michigan Avenue, La Porte, IN 46350

• Attaching a pdf of the filled out application to the form below. (File size must be smaller than 2MB) 

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Youth Service Bureau of La Porte County 2019 © 

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